Released game is freezing for some users - How do I troubleshoot this?

I’ve released a game made in UE4 4.23.1 on Steam. The game is running very well on my computer.

However, a few users are reporting crashes, or rather the game just freezes in various spots.

Could someone please point me in the right direction to fix these freezes. I just have no idea where to even start - there doesn’t seem to be anything specific loading in at the moment of crash.

Are there any known issues that will lead to a package game freezing? It’s only happening for a very small percentage of players which is also a bit odd. Clearly the game is running fine for most people which makes it so confusing.

Any suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated at this point.

Many thanks,

Hey there @Pontypants! I think the best thing to do would be to run it as a debug build, take the logs, see if you can identify some of the crashes (and post the logs here). Here’s a video with a bit of extra debugging tips:

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You might also want to gather system reports from the users, and then check what kind of CPU, GPU, OS, RAM, and drivers versions they have. It might be that something like “GTX 1000 series with drivers before 472” is common for all of them, and if so, you might know what to recommend (and maybe detect ahead of time and warn about.)

Or it might be too little RAM, or too much RAM, or some particular release of MacOS, or too few cores, or some particular brand of game controller, or …

Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried what the video suggests however, the problem is: the game doesn’t freeze on my computer so I even if I run a debug build I still won’t be able to see what the issue is.

Unless I push a Debug build to steam which seems like a bad idea.

Absolutely agreed, it’s a tough one because most developers I work with here on the forums haven’t released the product already so it’s usually easier to debug. I also work almost exclusively gameplay/mechanics so my packaging debugging is far less effective. The usual best bet would be to have some reporting in the main build that you can start drawing correlations from like Jwatte mentioned. There’s so many environmental factors for freezing that it’s nigh impossible to draw a parallel without more data. If I had the freezing in front of me I could probably glean more, but this is a whole different ballpark if it’s a tiny subset of users.