Relative transform and collision


For the motion of my ship I need to have motion relative to the root component of the pawn. I can make said motion work with the following setup :

  1. SkeletalMeshComponent as root component to move the root bone with an animation blueprint and the transform modify bone node.
  2. PoseableMesh as root component and move the root bone with SetBoneTransformByName.
  3. SceneComponent as root component with a StaticMeshComponent as its child and using the SetRelativeTransform node.

But the collision were problematic in each set up :

  1. I use the collision box defined in the physic asset and it work well until I add a relative transform to the root bone. The relative transform isn’t sweep and the collision box use for the world transform is the one without any relative transform.
  2. There is no sweep option on the SetBoneTransformByName and I have read that PoseableMesh won’t do any collision check anyway.
  3. The collision box used for the world transform is the one of the root component so no notifyHit is triggered.
    I will continue to try other set up on my side but any help would be greatly appreciated. (c++ or blueprint)

Thanks for your time.