Reimporting a skeleton with additional bones - regenerating a skeleton in Ue5?

Im working with 2 skeletons, the default mannequin and one with the same skeleton + some additional bones. I have some animations requiring these additional bones and would like to add these bones to the 1st skeleton if possible.
This was possible in UE4 with the “regenerate skeleton” prompt that came up when you imported an animation with additional bones, but it doesnt seem to work in UE5 - instead it just discards the animation tracks for the additional bones.
Animation sharing is a solution but ideally Id only like to use 1 skeleton for my project.
Does anyone know if reimporting the skeleton with additional bones is possible, without requiring a reimport and rewiring of every animation asset?

Hey @Solanius!

You should be able to simply set up your IK retargeter and solvers then retarget your animations from there without having to redo your animations themselves. Check out the documentation on IK Rig Retargeting here:

I hope the above points you in the direction you need!

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Have you tried to import a mesh with additional bones? Not the skeletal animation, but the skeletal mesh? That should work.

In 5.1 default project, both meshes use the same skeleton - the bones are virtual/not used by the simple mesh.

Havent tried importing new/adding but if you click the proper checkbox to update the base sekelton it should do just that like it used to in 4.7