When I import a mesh exported from Blender 2.78a, using FBX 7.4 binary, it imports gigantic, unless I uncheck “Convert scene unit” under misc in the import options. However, if I need to reimport the mesh, it reimports huge again, and I dont see an option about scene units. So I have to delete the mesh and import again, or put version numbers on my meshes…
In 4.13.1 all I had to do was click a button in Blender’s export, I think its the “set scale to blender size”, its not named but it looks like a little hat next to the scale slider.
Hi Interitus384. I have moved this into the Bug Reports section for further investigation. For future reference, please review the How To Report a Bug guide for the best way to report potential bugs.
Hi Interitus,
Thank you for submitting a bug report. I have reproduced this issue and logged a report for it here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-38672)
You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff. Please be aware that this issue may not be prioritized or fixed soon.
BTW, have you tried using “set sale to blender size” along with having both Convert scene units and Convert Scene checked upon import solves the reimport issue?
Hello, i had the same problem with my pack in marketplace when trying to re-import meshes from source files in version 4.14. I managed to fix the issue in Blender and want to share it so it will hopefully help you.
In Blender on right panel under Scene tab, set Units to metric, set unit scale to 0.01 and from drop down menu change it from meters to centimeters(this was the thing that fixed it for me). On fbx export settings, dont touch the scale settings. In Unreal 4.14 check "Convert scene unit’’. Your fbx export should work in 4.13 and 4.14 as long as you model( or resize) it in Blender according to real world scale.