Hi all,
I started a project in UE5.2 importing my base model from Rhino via Datasmith, not the Direct Link but the normal datasmith import - it was working fine, I made amendments to the base model and reimported and all good but now it crashes every single time I update the model, I cannot continue with the project at the moment.
Is UE5 sensitive to layers being either renamed or turned off in Rhino when exporting and then reimporting?.. that’s the only thing I can think of that may be different about the file but I’m grasping, any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Hide all non 3D objects and drawings that you will not be using in your work. Copy the whole work to the clipboard. After opening an empty Rhinoceros file, paste the model you copied here and save it.Aafter saving the file, save the file you just created with the same name over the Rhinoceros file that gives an error. When you come back to Unreal Engine try reimport again, it should work again…That bug abuse me since 2 years too. I hope that helps.