Reimport causing unintended transform/rotation changes

I thought it was a bug in Maya, which, there is one for FBX export, but I took care of that. Then on reimport a 3rd time, I noticed that my mesh, in this case skeletal, had moved to the right pretty far from 0,0. I am positive that it is 0,0,0 on export from Maya.

Someone mentioned it inside Slack and I thought I had fixed it by enabling RootMotion. Which I thought was what cleared it last time…but this time that’s not working…

Hey VictorBurgos,

Would you be OK sending me both the .mb and your fbx so I can take a look?

If you don’t want to send it here, you can PM me a link on the forums. Please also include a link back to this Answerhub page as I get a lot of PM messages.


Hi VictorBurgos,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
