I am trying to use FRegexMatcher and can’t understand, why it doesn’t work.
My code is:
#include "Regex.h"
// Matches:
// "ntldll.dll"
const FRegexPattern myPattern(TEXT("^[a-z,A-Z,0-9,\\-,_]+\\.[exe|dll]"));
FRegexMatcher myMatcher(pattern, TEXT("ntldll.dll"));
if (myMatcher.FindNext()) {
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Green, TEXT("Found ! "));
But no messages shown.
What I am doing wrong?
I fixed variable name and pattern, now it works:
const FRegexPattern myPattern(TEXT("^[a-z,A-Z,0-9,\\-,_]+\\.[exe|dll]+"));
FRegexMatcher myMatcher(myPattern, TEXT("ntldll.dll"));
if (myMatcher.FindNext())
int32 b = myMatcher.GetMatchBeginning();
int32 e = myMatcher.GetMatchEnding();
UE_LOG(X, Warning, TEXT("REGEX %i %i"), b, e);
Your rule will catch any combination of “e”, “x”, “d”, “l” letters.
Anyway you can use alternatives:
March 28, 2017, 2:52am
Please note that /[a-z,A-Z]/ will match all lower case and upper case letters as well as “,”. The comma is NOT a list item separator! You’re more likely looking for /[a-zA-Z0-9_-]/ . The dash at the end of the list specifies it as a character, not a range indicator.
Additionally instead of /.[exe|dll]+/ , which would also match “exdllex|ex|xelldl”, you’ll probably want /.(exe|dll)/ which matches exactly for the presence of either “.exe” or “.dll”.
Thanks you for posting this!
note: A potential problem with
is that the [d|e][l|x][l|e] at the end will match any of the following 8 combinations of file extensions:
But you probably only want it to match:
What you could do is make the regular expression like this (just like Zyr said):
So now the extension has to be exactly exe, or exactly dll in order to match.
Basically, [] specify SETS of individual characters you can match, and () specify exact sequences of characters you can match.
you’re saying find 2 characters where each character is either f, or o
this can match ff, oo, of, fo
This regex is the same as just "[Fo]{2}
You’re saying look for the exact character sequence “Barr” twice
this can only match BarrBarr
Notice that unlike characters in [], repeated characters matter in ()