Regarding Input coming from a Unity Background?

Hi there.

I have a ton of experience with Unity, but as I recently decided that Unreal is superior, I am porting my project over.
Unfortunately I have a serious problem, right from the start.
In Unity, any key be checked if it was pressed this frame like:

Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.[ANY KEY]));

I built a system to assign and resign controls to a control scheme that does not use Unity’s default control system.
In UE4, I can not find any information on how to check if a key was pressed, except by using Unreals built in control configurer, which can not be changed at run-time.

How does one check for player input in C++ in Unreal?

Here is a post with the same question after searching the Wiki: or, to quote the release notes for 4.9 “New: You can now bind the Any key. This will respond to any key press/release event and follows the same rules for consumption that other keys follow.”