Refreshing Content Browser

I am working on a network drive and i have confirmed with support that refreshing the content browser automatically when either something is migrated or added through source control. I did find a node in editor widgets that scans for changes and adds them however it only works when something is added through the widget create tool. Is there a way to do a refresh on the content browser without having to close and reopen the project while working on a network drive

Would be interested in having an answer also!

Pretty sure that is the AssetRegistry, tried this call?

It´s an issue until today (4.27)… I´m trying to refresh content browser, but I can´t solve how to do that… I´ve tried some commands like: unreal.AssetRegistry.scan_modified_asset_files() or scan_paths_synchronous() via blueprint and via python, but no results… Please EPIC, solve this issue!

Try going to the CONTENT folder (the one on the top of the hierarchy), right click on it and there should appear an option called FIX UP REDIRECTORS IN FOLDER. That might do something.

Was having the same issue in 5.3, right-clicking the folder and using “Validate Assets in Folder” updated the previews

Ah, the good ol’ network drive issue. I’ve had my fair share of struggles with those, especially when it comes to keeping things updated in real-time. Have you tried looking into any scripting methods to force a refresh? I’ve seen some people in forums mention that it’s a way to avoid the hassle of closing and reopening projects. Would be nice if there was just a simple ‘Refresh’ button though. Good luck, hope you find a workaround!

To manually refresh the content browser in Unreal Engine, you can either right-click on the folder and select “Refresh,” use the F5 keyboard shortcut with the folder selected, or click the “Sync” button in the Content Browser toolbar. This will update the folder’s content without having to close and reopen the project, which is especially useful when working on a network drive or with source control.