Refreshing child blueprint after changing the parent


I have a master blueprint that contains an array of struct that represents various stats (struct is a simple stat-value mapping). In this master blueprint I have a property (array) called InitialValues that defines which stats are populated when the object is instantiated. Let’s say right now I have 5 overall elements in this array. If I now create a child blueprint based off of this master blueprint everything is fine. BUT… If I add another element to the master blueprint’s array AFTER I have already created a child blueprint, the element will not be automatically added to the child blueprint class. It will be added to any future child blueprints I create from the master, but not to the exisitng ones. Is there any way to refresh existing child blueprints, so I don’t have to manually readd these values ?

Huh, I’m sorry but I’m not sure I understand your problem. It’s a bit hard to understand in such a textwall :slight_smile:
Are those child BPs really children or did you just copy them with “duplicate”?

Do they show the name of your parent BP in the upper right corner of the BP editor (eg. in [this sample screenshot][1], the parent is “Actor”)
If not: they are not children. you can also see and change the parent under the “Class Settings”: