Refraction Bug - Displaced Translucent Materials?

I’m getting a weird bug when viewing translucent materials through another translucent material with refraction. I have a translucent material in front of the player camera in the form of a helmet.

Viewing a translucent metal grate material through the visor displaces it in example 1.
Viewing a translucent glass light housing through the visor displaces it in example 2.
Material refraction settings for the visor are as shown in picture 3.

It’s almost like translucent materials do not have refraction applied to them, so the surrounding materials are warped properly but the translucent materials stay put?

I will have a little hunt around for this bug definition, but there are known problems with viewing one translucent material, through another. It’s marked as ‘won’t fix’.

This is it

So if you’re looking through translucent material A with refraction, at translucent material B, the object with material B will appear in the wrong place.

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So I’m just SOL then? Well that’s disappointing. Thank you.

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