Reflections water surface look weird with high density fog


I recently decided I wanted to make a spooky ernvironment for a game I had in mind. I managed to put something together which imo actually looks quite decent. The only thing that absolutely decimates the experience is the water but I would still like to have it incorporated into the environment.

I use an ExponentialHightFog combined with a Light Source and a Skylight to achieve the lighting in the scene. For the sake of the example I have made the light source (sun) very dim and increased the intensity of the fog. The water is a simple plane with a water material applied to it. It looks fine without the excessive fog and a normal light intensity but that’s not what I’m going for. Examples are at the end of this post.

It seems as if the reflections of the water plane are calculated regardless of the fog which in turn looks really weird as that would mean the light has to travel through less fog to reach the camera. Maybe I need to use a whole different approach to water. I would really appreciate if someone could tell me how I can fix this or point me in the right direction.


Without looking at the sun:

Whilst facing the sun:

Looking down at an angle, away from the sun:

Facing the sun:

Fog density turned up to max:

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I found out about the water plugin which was added in 4.26.

Whilst not fixing the original issue it’s exactly what I was looking for so using a “WaterBodyCustom” was the perfect alternative for me.


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