Hi, I am studing composure in Unreal and I am getting some issues.
I am trying to put a simple object in a footage of a ground that i made, but the shadows and reflections are just not working at all!
I have the following scene:
The FG composure objet has just the sphere in it in “Include” mode.
The Shadows obj has the Sphare, Floor and SkySphere also in “include”.
The Floor obj has just the FLoor model and the SkySphere. I have an MediaBackground and a MediaMatte for layering, all just fine with that.
This is the result that im getting:
That is a lot of noise because of the shadowmap node that i "stole’ from the unreal composure project, withoutit the shadows are just too soft and there is NO REFLECTIONS! What am I doing wrong?
This is my transmisison material:
This is the final render:
There is a dark line around the FG object that i cant get rid and when i focus far away this black line gets bigger, can someone help me with those issues?
This video is a great inspiration for me but i just cant get there!
Edit: i made it, ty again unreal forum lol