Hi there, I’m fairly new to game development in general, so I apologize if this is a dumb question. I’m going through the tutorial on Reinforcement Learning for UE5.4 and I’ve noticed something in the Learning To Drive guide. I’ve created a blueprint with the spline component and placed it into the scene and also created the variable in the interactor blueprint with the type set to Spline Component (Object Reference).
I’m confused on how the whole setup links these two together without calling all actor of class in the interactor blueprint or smth similar. Because in the 5.3 version of this guide, I read that you were actually supposed to do just that but in the 5.4 guide, this step wasn’t mentioned?
Link to 5.4 guide: Learning Agents (5.4) | Course
Link to 5.3 guide: Learning Agents (5.3) | Course