Referencing of an actor into the Sub-level

Hey, everyone I have been having an issue on getting the player reference, One of the actor which I want to interact with is in a sub-level and that actor can not get the reference of the player, but that same actor when in the persistent level works. It is happening with all of the interactive stuff I want to make! Any solution.

When you say “player reference” do you mean a reference to the player controller? If it is you could just call GetPlayerController whenever you need access to it.

With the above blueprint I want to disable player movement of the player when he interact with one of my interaction so I dont think so getting the player controller reference would help, But sure i will check it.

If it’s the player pawn you’re after then there is a node GetPlayerPawn. You can use that and then cast it to the class of your desired pawn and grab the character movement component.

Its not player pawn its character blueprint

That is a player pawn. Use the GetPlayerPawn node and cast to the character blueprint.

Yea its solved, I was calling the player only once on event begin play when the game was loaded, but when we go to another level the Other character could not take the reference because it was not being called, so I just called it on the level blueprint.

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