Whenever i close and reopen the editor, I get this error for all of my UMG buttons in my character selector.
I set a button in the editor to reference the button beside it
LogProperty: Warning: Serialized Class /Script/CoreUObject.LinkerPlaceholderExportObject for a property of WidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/UI/Blueprints/Widgets/WBP_MultiInteractableBase.WBP_MultiInteractableBase_C. Reference will be nullptred.
Property = ObjectProperty /Game/UI/Blueprints/SWidgetNavigator.SWidgetNavigator:UpWidget_5_FD861EB84EC1616FF4E9B592ACB82680
Item = LinkerPlaceholderExportObject /Game/UI/Blueprints/Widgets/WBP_CharacterSelectScreen.PLACEHOLDER-INST_of_WBP_CharacterSelectButton_C_13
I have another asset doing the exact same thing with the same construction, but with no issues.