I’m attempting to move an actor along a set of waypoints. I’ve set up targetpoints which I have no trouble referencing from my level blueprint, but I am unable to reference them from within the actor blueprint where I was planning on using a Simple Move to Location to move them towards waypoints.
Is it possible to reference the TargetPoint’s vector from within an actor blueprint?
Can I set the TargetPoint’s vector as a global blueprint or otherwise pass it to the actor blueprint from the level blueprint?
You can use the “Get All Actors From Class” and then sort them via tags, a variable or something like that.
Or if it should only be one or few specific once you can also create them as variables and set those variables as “Editable” which will allow you to chose the points from a dropdown menu once you placed your actor.
If you spawn them in you could do the same for the spawn volume and provide the actor on spawn with it and if you have X target points and want to use all create an array of those and either chose at random or in order the next target point.