(ARK Dev Kit version 224.5)
As near as I can tell, the structure you are currently placing checks the Structure Snap Type Flags of nearby structures against the To Snap Point Type Flags and To Snap Point Type Exclude Flags of each of its snap points. The Snap Point Match Groups do not seem to (completely?) prevent matches between snap points with different groups (for example, the top snap point of fence foundations is Match Group 8; walls and railings, despite not having any Match Group 8 snap points, can still snap to fence foundations); however, it does seem to prevent them in some cases (such as how foundations and ceilings have different snap groups for front/back and left/right connections)… perhaps it is only considered if there is at least one matching snap point?
By flag:
2: Foundations, spiked walls, pillars, elevator tracks
4: Walls (+doorframe, +windowed), railings
8: Ceilings (+trapdoorframe), catwalks, ramps, sloped roofs
16: Catwalks, ramps, sloped roofs, fence foundations, gateways
32: Doors
64: Ramps, sloped roofs
128: Trapdoors
256: Pillars, elevator tracks
512: Windows
1,024: (Unused, so far as I can find)
2,048: Basic water pipes, water pipe intersections, water taps, water tanks
4,096: Intake water pipes
8,192: Sloped water pipes
16,384: (Unused, so far as I can find)
32,768: (Unused, so far as I can find)
65,536: (Unused, so far as I can find)
131,072: Electrical cables
262,144: (Unused, so far as I can find)
524,288: (Unused, so far as I can find)
1,048,576: (Unused, so far as I can find)
2,097,152: Gates
4,194,304: Ladders, fence foundations, gateways
8,388,608: Fence foundations, gateways
16,777,216: (Unused, so far as I can find)
33,554,432: (Unused, so far as I can find)
67,108,864: (Unused, so far as I can find)
134,217,728: (Unused, so far as I can find)
268,435,456: Generators, elevator tracks
536,870,912: Elevator platforms
By structure type:
Structure: Flag sum [Individual flags]
Foundations: 2 [2]
Spiked walls: 2 [2]
Walls (all varieties): 4 [4]
Railings: 4 [4]
Ceilings (all varieties): 8 [8]
Catwalks: 24 [8, 16]
Doors: 32 [32]
Ramps, sloped roofs: 88 [8, 16, 64]
Trapdoors: 128 [128]
Pillars: 258 [2, 256]
Windows: 512 [512]
Basic water structures: 2,048: [2048]
Intake pipes: 4,096 [4096]
Sloped pipes: 8,192 [8192]
Electrical cables: 131,072 [131072]
Gates: 2,097,152 [2097152]
Ladders: 4,194,304 [4194304]
Fence foundations: 12,582,928 [16, 4194304, 8388608]
Gateways: 12,582,928 [16, 4194304, 8388608]
Generators: 268,435,456 [268435456]
Elevator tracks: 268,435,714 [2, 256, 268435456]
Elevator platforms: 536,870,912 [536870912]
Snap point match groups:
(Note: For purposes of this list, “Wall” will refer to Walls, Doorframes, Windowframes, Railings, and Sloped Walls. “Ceiling” will refer to Ceilings, Hatchframes, and Thatch Roofs. “Ramp” will refer to both ramps and sloped roofs. “Gateway” will refer to both Dinosaur Gateways and Behemoth Gateways. “Pillars+” will refer to both Pillars and Elevator Tracks. “Non-sloped water pipes” refers to straight, vertical, intersection, tap, and intake pipes, plus water tanks.)
Group 2:
- Foundations –> Foundations/Walls/Ceilings/Ramps (front/back)
- Foundations –> Ladders/Pillars
- Ceiling –> Walls/Ceilings/Catwalks (front/back)
- Ceiling –> Ladders
- Pillars –> Pillars+ (adjacent front/back)
- Doorframes –> Doors
- Doors –> Doorframes
- Windowframes –> Windows
- Windows –> Windowframes
- Ladder –> Ladder (bottom)
- Generators –> Cables
Group 4:
- Foundations –> Foundations/Walls/Ceilings/Ramps (left/right)
- Ceilings –> Walls/Ceilings (left/right)
- Hatchframes –> Ladders
- Pillars –> Pillars+ (adjacent left/right)
- Elevator tracks –> Foundations/Pillars+/Generators (left)
Group 6:
- Walls –> Walls/Ceilings/Catwalks
- Fence foundations –> Foundations/Walls
- Ladder –> Ladder (top)
- Non-sloped water pipes –> Non-sloped water pipes
- Sloped water pipes –> Non-sloped water pipes (bottom)
- Non-sloped cables –> Non-sloped cables/generators
Group 8:
- Fence foundations –> Walls
- Sloped water pipes –> Sloped water pipes (top)
Group 14:
- Walls –> Foundations/Walls
Group 16:
- Pillars –> Pillars+ (top)
- Ceilings <– Pillar+
Group 18:
- Pillars –> Pillars+
Group 22:
- Sloped water pipes –> Non-sloped water pipes (top)
- Sloped water cables –> Non-sloped water cables (top)
Group 24:
- Sloped water pipes –> Sloped water pipes (bottom)
- Sloped water cables –> Sloped water cables (bottom)
Group 32:
- Pillars –> Pillars+ (“PillarToCeilingBottom”)
- Ceilings –> Pillars+
Group 128:
- Elevator tracks –> Elevator platforms
- Elevator platforms –> Elevator tracks
Group 512:
- Pillars –> Pillars+
Group 1,026:
- Elevator tracks –> Foundations/Pillars+/Generators (front/back)
Group 1,028:
- Elevator tracks –> Foundations/Pillars+/Generators (right)
Group 8,192:
- Elevator tracks –> Ceilings/Catwalks/Ramps/Pillars+
Group 9,218:
- Elevator tracks –> Elevator tracks
Group 262,144:
- Elevator tracks –> Pillars+
Group 2,097,152:
- Gateway –> Gate
- Gate –> Gateway
Group 4,194,304:
- Pillars+ –> Ladders
- Ladders –> Ladders (center?)
Group 8,388,608:
- Gateway –> Fence foundation
- Fence foundation –> Fence foundation