Reference instead of spawn actor

Hi i am trying something basic here with classes. So i created ObjectHolder array variable which is a object reference to boXes (boXes is actor blueprint, which contain only Location variable and Size variable)… I have objectLocation which is location where object should be spawned(at this point its random location).
But here is the catch, i don’t want to “Spawn Actor from Class” in the beginning, i just need new actor to be added into ObjectHolder array, and latter (much latter when i have all the calculation of position and size) then all boXes from ObjectHolder to be spawn with their adequate location and size.

But how can i do that?
No matter what i try i don’t get any new object inside the ObjectHolder array. I even try pointer to entire class, pointer to object, yet nothing add new object to ObjectHolder. Only way that’s working is “Spawn Actor From Class” which is bad way for me.
Any help?

There are two ways to do this. Firstly if you are creating (spawning) an actor I believe it always exist in some physical space within the game. Basically there is always a Position and a Rotation and if that Actor has a Mesh associated with it it will be visible… unless you set the bHidden Variable to false (You’ll have to get and set it through a function probably “Set Visibility”). That is my suggestion, spawn your boxes, set them to hidden, and when you are done positioning them, show them.

The Second way… aka the crazy overachiever’s way

Basically separate your “data” from your physical world representation by using a struct or a UObject base we’ll just call UData. That way your object holder contains a list of data Structs or Objects which have no visible physical representation. Create this array and then create a special Actor object that holds your UData Object (or FData if using a struct). Once your UData Objects are initialized with properties and values you want, you then spawn your Actor object, set the UData object to them, and have the Actor object initialize it’s values from the UData object.

Now this works for me because I know C++, and unfortunately the ConstructObject(UClass, Owner) function appears to only exist in C++. However if you know C++ you can get around this, also someone made a plugin that adds in the ConstructObject node if you are brave enough to fiddle with that: Create Object Node

Hidding is not a problem, nor getting (and setting) their transformation via ObjechHolder array variable. Thanks for the help (: