Reference actor inside of level instance from within level sequence?

I have a level instance being streamed into another level and our previous way of working prior to using level instances and world partition, was to grab a static mesh, drop it into the sequencer, then we could hide the mesh, add transforms to it, and so on. But with level instances, we can’t add adjustments to the meshes inside of the instances because we can’t find references to them within the instances with the sequencer.

Anyone know if this is possible and how it can be accomplished? Or a possible alternative? It is basically a pipeline breaking bug at the moment so we need an alternative option or are looking at various other alternative ways to handle this problem with developing our cinematics.

With level instances, the mesh and the sequencer need to be in the same level.

That might be the persistent, or a special level for transforms of meshes, or the target level.

I haven’t used the sequencer for a long time, because of limitations like this, but with blueprint, you can control objects in other levels, you just have to get a reference at runtime.

How would you go about getting a reference to an object in an instanced level via blueprint at runtime? We were running into some issues trying to get a reference to an object within an instanced level that way as well.

In a blueprint, you can just use ‘get actors of class’ to get runtime references. Might be possible in the sequencer, but I don’t think so, it’s not very flexible that way.

For anyone struggling with this, I think (and I’ll comment again if this turns out to not work), you can create a level instance as you like, drag it where you want, then right click → level → break → break level instance. It’ll break the instance into its individual objects (might be a good idea to create a folder for the objects while they’re all selected), leaving the templated level instance intact.

As a bonus bit of info, if level instancing puts your origin at world origin, even if you set the pivot to center/center min z. Throw an empty actor into the scene and select that as the center (or use an actor already in the group).