Redwood Forest Pack


Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

If you don’t have a price yet will you at least tell us how big the map is?

The example map will be the 500x500 meters. Similar to the one you see in video.
But you can paint even larger maps in a few minutes with a highly detailed forest. As long as you use the provided landscape material.


Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

Any ETA for release?

We’re super close to the release! :slight_smile:


Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH


the Redwood Forest Pack has been release into the wild!

You can get it right away on our website UE4 REDWOOD FOREST PACK or wait for the Epic Marketplace release.



Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

thx for getting it done !
it looks brilliant !!!
as we have bought already the full forrest pack, will there be a upgrade to a “now” full forest pack sometime soon ? or will this be always a standalone pack only ??

kind regards

Hi stucki,

we’re currently looking into how we want to integrate the redwoods with the other forests.
For now it will stay standalone until we have figured out how to approach the new mega/ultra packs.


Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

Nice speed level design video from Maverick using our redwood forest pack, enjoy!


Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH


since Epic takes their sweet time again to add it to their marketplace (4 weeks)
We uploaded it for purchase also to CG Trader and Cubebrush:

Our Store:

Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

whammes, Can you please make a tutorial on how to setup the river?. in the demo map it looks nothing like the video, no foam or rapid flow on a dip in height

Here is a quick tutorial video showing how to setup the river.

Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

One day sale on cubebrush!

Get our Redwood Forest Pack 25% off in the next 24 hours when you use the code: ONEDAY at checkout!!

Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

If I had spotted that yesterday I would have picked up both packs on Cubebrush since a couple others haven’t been open about prices. :wink:

Ah to bad, maybe next time :slight_smile:

Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

Is it possible to get the ‘Dynamic Water Material’ separately from the redwood pack? I would love to include this with the level I’m building with the conifer pack.

Hi risoms,

not right now, but we may release it separately after adding some more FX stuff to it.

Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

Hi everyone,

our Redwood Forest Pack is now avaiable via the Epic Marketplace!

MAWI - Redwood Forest Pack on Epic Marketplace


Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

Little video clip of the redwood forest in motion:

Willi Hammes

Managing Director
MAWI United GmbH

This is fantastic! :eek: Awesome job, mister Hammes!