Reducing model size

Hi everyone,


I created a model of 1.25 GB in size which has 65.7 M tris. The model is too large to load in any program I use (Paint 3D, 3D builder), but reality capture will only let me reduce the file size to a max of 9.7 M tris, which is a smaller file but not enough detail. Ideally I would like to have a model of about 20 - 25 M tris. For some reason I constantly get the invalid function call when I retry to make a new model. I am working on a time sensitive project and I need the model done within the next 2 days. Could anyone help me out in reducing the file size of the model?



Hi Ruud,

the limitation is the size of your RAM - from the number of tris you say it is willing to do, it sounds like you have 8-16. With my 32 GB, I can do around 35 M tris.

It might help if you tell RC that it shall preserve the individual parts duing simplification - I can’t look for the exact phrasing because it’s aligning right now. Other than that, you can set the Minimal Distance Between Two Vertices in the reconstruction settings. The last option would be to split up the model manually…