Reducing Amount of Steps on a Staircase UE5

Hi. So I am tying to reduce the amount of total steps on my staircase because when I rescale the whole staircase it keeps the same amount of steps and just looks weird when I only want about 4 steps on it. How do? lol

You can’t :slight_smile:

You can make a new asset with a different number of stairs, but the material might not work on that.

EDIT: Well you sort of can, but you’d need to remove the stairs in mesh edit mode

It’s because you’re working with a fixed megascans asset. It’s not adjustable.

ahhhh, I see. Thank you for the help :). Also is there a way to make each step more round instead of a sharp edge? Like sculpt tool or something?

There are also sculpting options in the geometry tools

but… it might be quicker to get a ‘wonky’ asset from MS. There are a lot of stairs…

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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