Reduced number of templates in UE5?

Hi All,

I noticed some templates missing from UE5 - particularly the side scroller template - can we expect them to be in the official version?

Kind regards,


I’d love to know as well, Thank you

We’re reworking our template offerings for UE5’s full release. At this time, there aren’t plans to redo the Side Scroller template, but happy to pass along any feedback.


Can we make our own templates and put them into the templates tab when we launch the editor?
Would be great to have that as a feature: “Save project as template.”
I can foresee the community creating and sharing a bunch of those.


Could always make a unified 3rd person/sidescroller template with something in the player char’s construction script which sets the axis locking vars and such.

This would mean one less template to worry about, and it could help demystify the relevant settings should a new developer wish to mix a sidescroller level into an otherwise 3rd person project.

You could also make contest for community (something like you did with jams). to create templates from list.

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Hi Amanda,
you aren’t redoing the side scroller templates for UE5? I thought it could have been that it hadn’t prioritised for the UE5 beta release.
How would popular 2.5 side scrollers be developed for instance in UE5? Blank template and build from that?

What a great suggestion! I’d second that.

Perhaps we can?

We would be happy if SideScroller also on U5 is available :grinning:

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I’d like to chime in and say I’d love the side-scroller template in UE5 as well. It’s a great time saver for both veterans and newcomers.

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Late response, but if you want a side scroller, you can take the TPS template, position the camera, disable input for camera, and MoveForward event, and basically have a side scroller.

Just create a project using the UE4 template, then open the project under UE5 and convert it.



I had this issue as well, and through a little bit of digging have discovered how to add the 2DSideScroller template into UE5.0.3

Please check out the YouTube video I made explaining how to create yourself if you don’t like trusting online sources, or look in its description for the template files so you don’t have to assemble them yourself.

Hope this helps you all :slight_smile:


I’d love to see the side-scroller template available in UE5. (one post above yours)

Ola pessoal, eu apenas copiei a pastas dos templates da UE4 para UE5 e deu certo aqui no meu. ate agora nao deu problema.