Well right now there is no direct connection to any database or such from UE itself.
You will have to use the JavaScript API provided by the Web UI plugin. That will probably get quite hacky and you might wanna consider doing a little bit of C++ for a SQL connection to use a real database directly.
I have an WooCommerce/Wordpress eCommerce store online and I would like to allow users to make purchases from the website and transfer those item purchases to the users inventory in-game. I’m working in Blueprints and I’m curious if it’s possible to setup a redeemable coupon system so that upon entering a valid code the the new item would unlock in the users inventory whether it be a new weapon or a key to access new areas of a map.
Is this system possible with UE4’s latest builds via Blueprints? Essientially users could be provided with a unique key/coupon after purchases those key’s would be assigned to their respective item in the game. I’m also planning on using the Web UI widget’s so if there is already better solutions for unlocks/purchases through the Web UI then this would also be helpful.