Redede:Son Of Chercessia

Good afternoon
Today I want to show you the commercial project “Redede:Son Of Chercessia”
Game is developed in 1846. You the son of one of rich people of Chercessia, civil war began, after war you saw that your native cruelly killed, and you begin revenging.
In game will be present the open world, difficult enemies, in game you will be able to buy amunitsy etc

it looks awesome … oh wait!

If you want to show of something, i would show of something.

What exactly?

Screenshots, Video, Models, i dont knwo. Just something from the Game :wink:

Ххах,ok :))

And how project? !

There will be photos from game soon

This is a very anti-climatic thread

Why did you make a thread in the first place if there is nothing to show? Delete your thread and make one when there are actual content please.

agreed! you should atleast show like the title lol

Ok,everything will be soon