Red City

Red City:

Student Submission: No

Credits to sourced content:

All sounds are made in GarageBand app then exported to UE as wav.
GPU: GeForce GTX 1070
Engine version: 5.1 preview 2

Rendered into .mov file directly from UE Editor with Command Line Encoder(ffmpeg), but sound was just first 10 seconds looping, rendering just .wav separately, produced expected sound, then had to use command line to reapply new .wav to video(just in case somebody has similar issue):

“C:\pathTo\ffmpeg.exe” -i C:\pathTo\ -i C:\pathTo\NewLevelSequence.wav -c copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 C:\pathTo\

  • Progress GIF:

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A different, shorter take:

I realize submission is closed by now, just wanted to try to polish it anyway.
Any critique/advise is welcomed.

Greetings @koolean88 !

Allow me to extend a very warm welcome to the Unreal Engine community! :medal_sports:

Thank you for your participation in the Creep It Real challenge!

Red City appears as a city on fire, but does not burn. Is this from a nuclear fallout? Is this a nightmare? Is this happening on another planet? Does the Stonehenge-esque grouping of stones with the figures near the center have anything to do with this post-apocalyptic sight?

I am mystified by the ending. Is this a glimpse of the landscape prior to the construction of buildings? Is this a symbol of hope for regrowth in the future - a dream of going back to nature?

You’ve done a great job with the sound! It sounds wicked awesome with a good set of headphones! It perfectly fits the mysterious vibe of Red City.

I’m interested in the art of your cinematic. Please speak more about Red City from concept to development!

Thank you very much @Get_DOVAH_it ! To be completely honest, I have not thought through it that deeply. I just saw this Image and wanted to recreate the feeling of it. Looking back through, probably should have put more time into having some sort of story in it, making it less non verbal and more coherent. Inside of abandoned buildings and forests at night are also creepy to me, so I added that, but probably should have picked just one place and concentrated on it.