Red/Blue Displacement Map (texture reprojection)

hello, I just downloaded realitycapture and tried to bake displacement map with texture reprojection tool, but when am looking at it, it is Blue and Red colors in realitycapture (attached picture). I want to use baked map in other 3D softwares and I need good old Black and White displacement map, so I have question. is this just preview inside reality capture? if I will export it, will it be regular B/W displacement? I do not want to spend credits on baked map that I won’t be able to use it. thanks



do you see this in 1Ds view under this layer:

If so, it should be gray image.

What was your workflow to get this layer?

Yes, It says gray…but it’s my first time trying it and no idea why does realitycapture shows it in red/blue colors, maybe because noone could screenshot it and use it for free, some kind antitheft solution maybe. no idea…but since it’s my first time I do not know that, if there won’t be anyone who can confirm it will give me proper displacement I will do it and pay credits, but I hope someone will confirm…

workflow is simple, I followed tutorial on official reality capture youtube channel. I imported custom made low poly mesh that wraps around high poly scanned date, than I used texture reprojection. all other maps looks correct in 2D view when I check, only displacement looks weird.

For example laser scans intensity is also showed in those colors (and normally it shows in grey spectrum).

okey, mystery solved, I made small test scene…so, inside RealityCapture shows displacement as Red/Blue but exports as proper Gray Image which is what I wanted…and one more thing if anyone wonders, RealityCapture shows Normal maps as Object Based as I understand, but exports as Tangent, which is what I wanted exacly. turns out its doing exactly what I need by default, thx capturing reality for that(and I have to mention, texture backing is exxxxtremly fast, I tried numerous other soft but nothing comes even close to speed of realitycapture)…pics for clarification