Red Army UE

Red Army

Metahuman > Russo Paratrooper
Rostov 03-07-2024

I am developing a Military Simulator with Unreal Engine’s fascinating technologies that don’t show up in other games. This will make the game more interactive and fun!
Devlog is coming with more news!
Stay in touch :point_right:
twitter :point_right:
Blender #gamedevelopment #3dartwork #indiegame

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Hi there @Uotsab,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far! :slight_smile:

There are so many games I’ve played that could benefit greatly from a bit of fashion customization. What is your main goal with this project?

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Thanks for your response!
I am making a military simulator game using Unreal Engine’s best and efficient practices, using most of the ground braking tools Epic Games created like the chaos simulations, Metahumans etc. Infantry, realistic tank simulations, military style of coordinates instead of marker based map views and much more. Some great plans going around my mind, that can create feeling of military battlefield dramatically.
Trying to take my game to that goal. Thanks for the response again! Right now, I am warp driving vault animations:

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And I think sharing my works are engaging :slight_smile:

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I have made a UV map, that can use any flat camoflage pattern onto the character. The art isn’t perfect, I might need some guys that can rig characters and cloths. I’ll decide it, since I actually don’t see my capability for collaboration.

You can see, 5 EMR Camo patterns have been applied to the characters. Spring, Urban, Desert, Authun and Artic. I am proud of myself now :yum:

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Hello everybody!
I want to introduce my physics based, realistic ragdoll for my game :partying_face:
Why realistic motion if ask? Well because it is based on true anatomy.
Manny Physics Ragdoll

So I have first auto-generated the collision bodies. Than I tweaked and changed shapes of colliders. Carefully looking how much a bone rotates and twists. Than properly defined collision between them it finally became a realistic ragdoll! No animation, purely physics dynamic, starting from A Pose, in Unreal Engine 5.

This ragdoll will be in my game Red Army
If you like my works, support me on Youtube and Twitter

Red Army rainfall GIF
Stay tunned!!!
:heart: :heart: :heart:

Hello guys :slight_smile:
I am excited to share this work. It isn’t done yet. But this is early footage for “Red Army”, my UE5 game. There are more information here.

This game is under development for months. May take some more time.
Used Metahumans, hair simulation and Unreal Engine’s Metatherian givaway assets here.
Thanks for reading away :heart: :heart: :heart: