Recruitment Template

Another informative and awesome post. Great job helping the community Kris!

I think it would be a good idea to have 2 separate subforums:

-one for people looking for work
-one for people looking for freelancers

It would help us waiste less time scrolling through all the topics and give it a more organized look.

I agree on this, just as suggestion.

Or a quick filter option where you could filter the threads by the prefix

Thanks for creating this reliable and wonderfully designed recruitment template Kris!

My only concern is this part.

I noticed it also has “team” in your post, what if I have a team but we’re not a registered company yet? Do we still count?

He’s only referring to the proper naming of your group.

If you’re a team, call yourselves a team. There are many volunteer-based (some call it “Royalties”) teams that call themselves AwesomeName Studios, because it sounds more official but they haven’t ever incorporated. Even “AwesomeName Studios” is severely misleading because AwesomeName doesn’t have more than one physical studio (i.e. dedicated office space), and let’s face it, they’re probably all working remotely and don’t have a single studio.

^ This.

Its simply an attempt to prevent people posting jobs from misleading people - deliberately or otherwise.

very nice template thx good job!

Is there a type of posting when looking for Quotes? Or does that go under the Contract listing?


[CONTRACT/ROYALTY] Waldlust - Psychological Horror

Project Title: Waldlust

Waldlust is a character-driven horror game set in a historic grand hotel.
It targets female players, has a mystical love story and avoids
unnecessary violence. Minimal splatter, gore and shooting.
We emphasize psychological horror rather than jumpscares.

More info after NDA.

Alan Wake, Layers Of Fear, Silent Hill 3, Rule of Rose

We are in the process of funding the IP for film & game
and looking for artists with Unreal4 experience.
Work will be contracted per item, we need a fixed price offer from you
to refine our budget for the investors.
We might need additional less experienced artists on ROYALTY base.
Don’t hesitate to applicate, if you can deliver high quality when giving more time.

We’re currently NOT looking for concepter, level designer, composer
or other job types not listed here.

Talent Required:
Character Specialist (Model & Animation)
Texturing Specialist (Props & Architecture)
Props Specialist (Interior)

Visiomedia Ltd.


E-mail: Subject: Waldlust

Please email your application to with the subject ‘Waldlust’
Your application may not reach correct destination should you title it differently.

I’m confused which one is me. Both mean you have money, and both can mean you’re paying someone for only a while. The only difference is that CONTRACT says you can be an individual while PAID says you can’t be an individual. I would go with CONTRACT because I’m an individual, but I’m confused at why the two names aren’t just INDIVIDUAL and COMPANY because both mean “paid” and “contract” I think. So, therefore, I see them as identical, I want to chose PAID since it explains the thread more lol.

If you run a business/company and intend to pay someone as a employee with the benefits they are entitled, you should use [PAID].

If you intend pay someone directly to work on a set number of features/assets, use [CONTRACT].

Hello to everyone i would like to know how can i work for UE , as a Mapper Designer , or what i have to do to reach your levels of recruting requeriments, in perference to work on SQUAD Developement.

I’m going to post my job very soon.

But I need to know something.

My job isn’t a video game like everyone else’s - it’s artificial intelligence. I have only several simple jobs already written up. When I post my intro, should I post below that any of the jobs or keep that part private for private-messaging? Wouldn’t it be better to show everyone that I’m serious, what the job entails, etc? It may flee some of the people away if only my intro write-up is posted with no jobs below it.

You should keep all positions / jobs related to your project under one thread, updating the original thread as required.

The thing that triggers me most is when people make really unprofessional looking posts about how established they are. Then tell you the most irrelevant information about their game/team if anything at all.

Is the genre of your game intellectual property? You “have 50 people working for you”, do you have a website?

Write what you expect from the person you are trying to recruit, and not just nonsense about your company standards. I mean a Job/Contract Description. Don’t tell me about the story of your game, unless your game is pretty much exclusively a story. Every time someone describes the plot of something with one sentence, I wonder what exactly they expect me to take from that.
“there’s this TV show about zombies and there’s guns and jails and everyone dies and, and,. and,… and… RICK GRIMES!!!”

“Looking for a programmer to develop procedurally generated environments etc” or “Looking for programmer to narrate autobiographical point and click adventure.”

Seeing this kind of stuff would be so helpful.

The person you are ultimately trying to hire is going to be different from job to job. So don’t be vague. Just like you probably don’t want to interview 50 people, inversely no one wants to contact you about your uninformative posts to find out what you are working on. You people act like you’re working on secret government projects, when really to the rest of us it just feels like you lack the confidence to discuss your project openly.

IMO you don’t have to be that professional if you’re just looking for hobbyist partners and small contracts, just make sure your post isn’t full of nonsense. Everyone trying to sound like something they’re not is just advertising that they’re already on a sinking ship.

Sorry for venting.

Your template is so useful. Thank you!