Well hello,
I am currently looking for Unreal Engine 5 developers (C++) to create a cooperative 3D open world action rpg game project.
A rather nervous game where the gameplay will be highlighted behind its story and fantasy world.
My goal is to change the current habits of medieval fantasy as we know it for something new, dynamic and immersive. So this time we will be immersed in an almost purely fantasy universe, happening on several islands displaying different ecosystems, races and creatures, through a story worked on for almost 10 years which I am finally ready to put forward.
Remuneration adaptable according to the value of the person up to 3000euros/month. I am therefore counting on all those who wish to create video games for players and participate in this special project to create something unique and beautiful with great potential.
The studio is located in Challans, in Vendée/France and can contain up to thirty"ish" people maximum for the moment.
For anyone interested, please contact the following email by submitting your application including your experience / CV, a cover letter about you, also talking about your wishes and desires, as well as a portfolio (online or attached) demonstrating your knowledge :