Recreating game?

Hello, I would just like to ask if it is possible to “completly” recreate an old video game like call of duty 4? I mean recreate movement, weapon behaviour and things that made that game amazing.

i don’t understand your question are you asking if you can recreate call of duty and name the game “call of duty” or if you can make something similar to it?

No Id just like to know if its possible to recreate a game with same physics, movements and everything but under a different name of course.

if you ask if the engine can do it the answer is yes UE4 can do way more than that, it’s one of the best AAA game engines out there , the rest is up to you

You can do that. Also, don’t take any assets from Call of Duty. That would be stealing.

Well one of my biggest wishes is to recreate call of duty 2, one of the best FPS games out there. Simple no kill streaks no nothing, just plain SKILL. Too bad this game pretty much died.

I miss the old Call of Duty… :frowning:

I miss it so much too…I think its really one of the best games, thats why I really want to “re create” it with some unique addons, but unfortionatlly I have no skills in game design.

You certainly could recreate any old game you want in UE4 down to the exact look and feel if you really wanted.

The problem would be working out how the original movement was achieved. There are a lot of parameters involved including acceleration, movement speed, ground and air friction, air control and so on. Without access to the original source code, I don’t see how you could achieve a perfect copy. Your best bet is to experiment and try to get a close match.

As others have said, make sure you don’t rip assets from other games.

Yes Manni, the dumber side of me has been down that road once or twice, it never ends well.

Yep it’s possible. When you want to create such a game, take a look at the shooter demo or start from scratch with the fps template. :slight_smile:

Some useful tutorials:
animations/character -
projectile - ?v=pdjFm7YA8vI
damage/health -
ai - ?v=evYE7tfWXUY