Made a tutorial recently on recreating Need For Speed Carbon’s Autosculpt in Unreal Engine 4 and Blender using Morph Targets and thought I’d share it here as well.
Although it’s focused mainly on reproducing this game mechanic, it’s useful also to simply learn about importing Blender’s Shape Keys to Unreal’s Morph Targets.
I think the community would love either one!, since characters and animation is my focus this year…Im excited to see this…thanks to OP as well as I know nothing of morph targets.
You can use modifiers with shapekeys if you use this addon:
The addon creates a new mesh, and from there makes copies of the shapekeys, applies the modifiers and finally merges these with the newly created mesh. The result is a mesh with the modifiers applied and shape keys intact.
The only issue with it is that if you run it a bunch of times the memory usage of Blender can get high because the memory of the temporary meshes is not cleared after they are deleted for some reason. You can avoid this by using the addon in a script where you clear orphan data: