Hey everyone, I broke my project doing something I thought would be simple, and I’m having trouble recovering it, looking for some guidance.
Before I did any of this, I created a full copy of my project directory, but that appears to have not helped…
I’m using the MenuStarterKit code plugin from the marketplace, which gives 2 plugin folders - 1 for content, and 1 for code. I moved the content from the plugin’s content directory to my project’s content directory to help with organization and localization, but that seems to have completely broken the plugin. When I found out this broke everything, I tried to revert to my backed up copy of my project directory - but it seems like the plugin content is stored separately, because it didn’t fix the issue.
Can anyone give me some pointers here? I have heavily modified the plugin’s content directory and would REALLY like to avoid having to redo absolutely all of those changes…
The plugin I’m using is here: Menu Starter Kit in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace