Recording editor work into batch macros?

Exactly like we have in many programs, where you execute series of instructions into a macro to then replay. Except, I want to see it afterwards in playback mode.

Is this possible in the Unreal editor?

Possible use case is for video tutorials.

I’ve also been interested in and been looking for a solution. Hope this post gets attention again.

From what I’ve found, Blueprint utilities appear to be too limited in functionality to accomplish most commands, while running Python seems to be daunting because of the size of the Python API. The latter seems like the most likely method though.

It would be better to ask, what is this for? After all, the thing would be a keylogger, albeit a controlled one.

I use a Logitech keyboard and sometimes use the record macro funtionality to create a new temporary macro on the fly.

If you wanted to store mouse input it would only be applicable to your system configuration, everyone else would have to use the exact same layout in their desktop to get the same results.

Personally I use AutoHotKey to script macros, it is also possible to make the script detect the software that is currently running. So for example, for me, “F13+Q” in Visual Studio gives out UPROPERTY() while in Blender it is NumLock1.