So How to record Skeletal Mesh (not character) morph, played by a timeline, in sequencer.
I have the variables that are streamed to the morph “Exposed to cinematics” and set up as “editable”
I’ve added it to sequencer. During recording everything plays fine, but nothing gets recorded.
Noticed that after the sequence is created there is no “Morph_Name” Track being saved.
Tried creating a LevelSequence from sratch. Added the BPActor, aded the morph tracks. Hit “Record New Sequence” But couldn’t get any animations recorded this way.
Please help. This is my first GameEngine project. This took all of my free time during the last 3-4 months to build this project with two different elevators consisting of many moving parts. And now I wasted two weeks trying to record what I’ve built.
I’ve followed the broken video in this post ▼. Built a different empty BP actor with references to the skeletal mesh, but I get the same result as the tutor does - once the morph value changes, the morph mesh disappears
What am I doing wrong?