Reconstruction Region Info not working

I am pretty certain that it used to be possible to select the reconstruction region and then click on Info, which opened a settings window.

Now, the Info button is automatically activated when selecting a recon region and clicking it does not open any window with the neccessary information. So to change the recon region I have to go through orthophoto - quite inconvenient…


if you see the Info panel button automatically selected, it means that Info panel is opened in the 1Ds view. Do you have other panels displayed in the 1Ds view? Is it possible that this panel is at the bottom of the panel section and perhaps not visible? If you disable it and enable again, Info panel should be opened above all other panels.

Dear Zuzana,

I use RC since 2,5 years now and I am familiar with the overall principle of the UI !   :smiley:

Exactly what you describe is not possible. The info button is activated and cannot be deactivated.

I just checked real quick and it seems to be working again. My suspicion is that it is related with this behavior:

Hi Gӧtz,

sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

I know you are very experienced RC user :) Perhaps I misunderstood you.

I just meant that it is possible to open and close Info Panel table by clicking the Info panel button again and once opened anew it should appear above all other settings. The button is deactivated (meaning greyed out) only if the reconstruction region is not present. 

If the info table did not show up, then it is indeed strange beahvior and could be related to the behavior mentioned in the other thread. 


Hi Zuzana,

no problem!

I didn’t mean to be rude, please forgive my German frankness!  :slight_smile:

Yes, exactly - it is active (white background) and cannot be deactivated.

As I said in the other threads, I will report back as soon as I encounter it again…