reconstruction not running

When I try to reconstruct in preview quality, looks pretty good, and take not very long time.

But when I was trying to do a normal quality or high quality, it runs really long time and looks no progress(I tried process for 2days and same progress as 1 hour’s work), CPU GPU not running at all.
Why is that, I have reset the all settings, but no helping.

Hi @JulianJann
What do you mean by reset? Make it like a clean install process? Preview model doesn’t use GPU, so maybe there is some issue with that.
The number of images and control points is quite high, so it could cause some problems (mainly as you have some red triangles, which is not ideal).
For such big models try to use the divider script: Processing of the Habitat 67 Scan Data with the 3D Divider Script | Tutorial

Yes, a clean reinstall, and also rest the settings.
Maybe something wrong with gpu accelarute, but my gpu works just fine with other programm.
So, I removed the red triangles control point and did the allignment again, tried preview modelling, works good, and tried a high quality modelling for a small reconstruction area, proceed just fine.
But when I retry the big one, the warning just show up, the chinese below is "Image title not recognized“.

I will try the divider later, but I have successfully rebuilt the same model before with a larger amount of data, but there were some errors, so I corrected them back to allignment. Now it doesn’t work, which is confusing.

Then it could be this: Error "The image header is unrecognized" [0x2010\0x2000\0x310f\0x2038\0x2030\0x5052] - #3 by dejvdou