Reconstruction crash and other problems with new version

Since update to new version I have constant crashing in reconstruction process (every time on calculating depth maps part).

I have also random crashes when doing nothing. Upon restarting RC I must re-enter my user name and pass for licence.

Sometimes I can’t add extra input after first import.


Help please :slight_smile:

I had no problems with old version. I’ve tried 3 different video drivers with no success.



Hello Nino,

did you clear the cache before starting using the latest version as recommended? If not, please do so and also run RC with holding Shift key and choose Make it like a clean install. This will reset the settings and config. But please note that you will be asked to activate the license again.

Regarding the crashes during reconstruction, please try some older drivers since the latest ones might cause issues in some cases. Also, please restart the PC each time.

Hello Zuzana,

First of all, sorry for late response. I’m working hard latley :slight_smile:
I’ve bought new rig finally, and now everything works flawlessly.