Nav mesh takes a good amount of time to generate when you start map thus you cannot move ai until after a delay.
This should work differently, it should either trigger event begin play only after navmesh is generated or there should be a way to check nav mesh’s status.
It doesn’t seem ideal to have to guess when nav mesh might be finished building.
NavMesh should already be built before you begin play, so I’m not certain I understand issue you’re running into. Are you procedurally building your level at runtime? Any details on what you’re trying to achieve would help us figure out problem. Thanks!
This never affected my project much as I didn’t have to spawn ai and move them around right when game started, but I was doing it this way to test it out.
It seems that unless you have initial building locked checkbox checked you wont keep navmesh you generated in editor so that was what I am guessing you are talking about.
No longer an issue for me though, thanks for reply.
Hey, i have sort of same issue right now. SInce i have destructable objects which blocks areas, i need to be able to rebuild navmesh at runtime. But when i have rebuild navmesh options turned on, it starts rebuilding navmesh on play, which makes my npcs and enemies stop moving at start. and checking that initial building locked checkbox doesnt generate a navmesh at all on begin play.
Any workaround on that?
This is an older post, and many things have changed with navigation system since May. Would you mind opening a new post with as much information as you can provide, including detailed reproduction steps and which engine version you’re using, so we can try to reproduce issue here? Thanks!