Rebuild in Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 failed

Hello guys,
When i switched to new version of unreal engine from 4.9.2 to 4.10.2 and also my visual studio from 2013 to 2015 Update 1 i have a problem to rebuild my project from VS, the Build button is OK but rebuild not working this is error code “MSB3037” and also this is error description:

The command ""C:/Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Rebuild.bat" MyProjectEditor Win64 Development "C:\Users\Vahid\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject.uproject" -rocket -waitmutex -2015" exited with code 255.

File : Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets
Line : 42

Hello Vahid,

There have been a few users seeing this error, and from what we can tell it is typically just a generic error that is relating to other actual compile issues in your code. Have a look at this forum post and see if you can find a similar issue in your code:

It is possible that upgrading your project caused some of your old code to become outdated, so make sure to double-check everything.

I don’t think my code has any problem, I downloaded Unreal Match 3 sample but that game has a problem with Rebuild.

That sample has more many error before that MSB3037

So you’re saying that the project is also throwing you other errors? If so, could you provide the other errors you are seeing?

In your converted project, is the MSB3037 the only error you are getting when you build in VS?

Yes my own converted project has just MSB3037 error,
But Unreal Match 3 has many errors this is screen shot.
Update :
When i click on rebuild to take a screen shot i get just MSB3037 !! where those errors gone ?

I found those errors, when open Tile.cpp/.h , they come :

Are you using 4.10.2 source, or are you using the binary version?

Also, is your build configuration set to Development Editor?

Without looking at the project itself, it will be hard to determine the exact cause of your error. Could you please zip up your project and provide a link to Dropbox where I can download it? If you’d like to do this privately, you can send me a PM on the forums at this link:

I downloaded engine from launcher.

All projects has this problem even engine template like First Person, Flying or any other project, I can’t rebuild them, with same error.

I’ve attempted to perform a rebuild using Visual Studio 2015 in 4.10.2 binary, and was unable to reproduce the same error you are seeing. This leads me to believe that there could be a potential issue with your version of Visual Studio. Have you already attempted a completely uninstall and reinstall of Visual Studio 2015?

Also, are you using Visual Studio 2015 Express?

Finally, have you tried to build a code project in 4.11 Preview 3? If not, please go ahead and give that a try.

Same error again after unistall and install VS, take a look at this screen shot

When you are installing Visual Studio, ensure that you have checked the C++ and Common Tools boxes to install that content, as you will need that in order to run 4.10. If these options are already installed, then this sounds like a Visual Studio issue, and I recommend checking with Microsoft Support to see if they have a solution for you.