Rebuild Fails while Editor and VS Studio 2019 16.7.1 open


I have been using UE4.25 for couple of months with VS 2019 . After updating the VS Studio 16.7.1 it started to fail the rebuild while UE Editor is open with OS Win Pro. It does not happen Window Home version.

The build or clean or UE Editor Compile works OK but when I hit the Rebuild while the engine is open it say Clean can not be done and access denied to DLL files. Also Refers some line MS files…It might be related the access issues like thread managements or resource management with the Editor and VS Studio because it works fine when I close the editor or just do clean and Build or just do Build while both are open.

I am not using anything specific. just open a plan C++ project . And compile and play first with the UE Editor. then open VS Studio thru the editor and hit Build first . then do a Rebuild . Build works fine but Rebuild does not.

I have another machine almost same everything(same version VS Studio, same UE 4.25.3 ) BUT THE only difference the other machine uses a Windows Home and it works fine.

This issue seems to be related the Rebuild.bat file or something inside the Engine which was occurring with UE 4.18 and it was not an issue until VS Studio 16.7.1 update is released. VS Studio 16.7.1 works fine with every other c++ project . only problem UE when using only WinPro (updated as of 15 Aug 2020)

Please help…it really does not effect the workflow but sometimes even the build fails the first time and I have to hit second time it works fine. It is really a weird bug.
Tried everything deleted Intermediate, Binaries file and regenerated the project files, try Refresh VS Studio project inside the Editor…I even deleted and installed the machine and created a new c++ project to try out. Sometimes it seems to be working but it always comes back. Somehow some of the resources are not released when the editor and VS Studio cannot do the delete function I believe.