I have collected images of a large building. All the images were collected from the ground. I was very careful to get plenty of overlap. The lighting conditions were bright but overcast so there are no shadows. The images are well focused with with a shutter speed fast enough to not worry about too much motion blur. The camera was Sony Next-5T with a 30mm prime lens, 45mm equivalent.
Most of the images aligned, but there are 2 walls that appear to be getting created twice. I highlighted the problem areas in red in the screen capture below.One set of the double walls run parallel with each other, while the other one slowly diverge from the building’s corner.
I have read many of the posts on the forum and have tried grouping the images wrt exif, and selecting other camera models. Everything I try has many small changes, but nothing really appears to be making an impact on the double wall affect.
I can go back and get more images if that could help, but I really want to understand the why this is happening. Any advice or shared knowledge would be very much appreciated.