Reasign skeleton pose to a skeletal mesh

Unreal version : 4.27.2


I have some skeletal meshes that I have imported and I have re assign their skeleton to another skeleton that is already in the project. They have the same bones tree, there was no error message when re assigning their skeleton but I have some problem on the shoulders.

I suspect theses problems come from the fact that the imported skeletal meshes don’t have the same pose as their re assigned skeleton. The skeleton has a T pose when the imported skeletal meshes have an A pose.

How do I change the pose for the imported skeletal meshes so they can have an T pose too ?


Hey jdgfkf!

So I might be wrong as I’m not a 3D artist, but i’ve done some importing from Mixamo etc. As far as I know, you need to export the skeleton in that pose, the default can’t be changed within UE without a ton of work. So you’ll need to go back to your program and re-export in a T-pose and reimport it.

You can probably just rclick the skeleton and click “Reimport”, just make sure to replace the old .fbx when you redownload and it should be painless. If that doesn’t work, reimport it from scratch :slight_smile: Not THAT much more work but more work nonetheless.