This bug occurs on the following scenario: take a splinemesh with no default static mesh and collision turned off. Then add a static mesh. After that turn collision back on. And there is the bug: the splinemesh has working collision in editor, but not in a packaged game.
Also enable mouse events by making a custom gamemode and playercontroller. Then when you click on it in editor it should print Hello. And when packaged it doesn’t print that.
I have been able to reproduce your issue, and have entered a bug report (UE-27296). Thank you for your report. I will provide updates on this issue as they become available.
Haven’t had time to reproduce in a clean project. What I have been able to determine is that the problem occurs with spline meshes that are dynamically generated at run time. If I place the spline meshes in the map directly, collision works when it’s packaged.
I can provide you with a link to download the project if you like. It’s a class project so I have it uploaded to the cloud for grading purposes. If you can provide me with an email address I can send you a link. I’d prefer not to provide the link publicly.
For our project, we found a work around to this issue by adding a box collision and calculating the extreme points of the spline’s control points. We wrapped it in this collision box and set it to generate overlaps only. We were then able to create this box on begin play, and perform the collision queries we needed with the box.
Of note: It’s a 4.13.0 project, the spline meshes in question are loaded in the runnerTrack Map. The straight spline mesh attached to the starting platform and manually placed in the level appears to work, the other spline meshes are brought in dynamically at runtime and those are the ones that the collision is not working on. Works fine in preview mode, but not when packaged.
If you have any question feel free to email me: [edited]
Unfortunately, it looks like the project is failing to package on my end. Are you experiencing the same issue if you attempt to package the build you sent?
Sorry for the delay. I spent some time in the project, but was unable to determine what would be causing the issue. Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to dedicate further resources to debugging that project, as it is fairly complicated in terms of the setup. If you are able to reproduce the error in a simplified test project, please let me know and I’ll be glad to continue investigating.