Hia guys!
I’ve been working on my game for around 5 or 6 months now, and this problem is getting really frustrating. Love UE4 so much, but this is something that cannot be ignored.
Note that this could just be me, although I’ve seen other people have this problem too, idk. Maybe this is all my fault, and I am doing something wrong - this is absolutely possible.
Basically… the file system, aka the content browser, is a real pain. And not like a clunky type of pain, I mean “freeze development for a week to fix this” type of pain.
I’ve had countless problems, usually with moving around files. An example would be moving a blueprint from one location to another: this seems pretty important, since things change, life happens, and organization of large projects is pretty important. However one time, when simply moving a blueprint from one location to another in-editor, the entire file just… dyed. The file itself still existed in the directory, but unreal engine wouldn’t load it.
Today, something different happened: I moved some files, saved, closed, and opened. However… when I tried deleting the folder that previously contained the files, lo and behold the engine thought my files where there, and tried to delete them. In other words, it didn’t actually move them… and now they are invisible to me, so I’m completely stuck.
I do not know how ue4 handles this stuff: I’ve noticed that even after deleting the file in-editor, the file still exists in the actual directory (I assume the file is ticked off as deleted for the editor). I personally am very depressed and stuck - I don’t have much time to do this, and now I have to somehow find a fix without accidentally deleting everything (which could easily happen with this system)
All I’m asking, begging, is for you to pleeeaaaseee make this thing work. While features in new versions are fantastic, I would really love to even make my game.