I’m not sure the exact wording to google for this so I’m coming up short.
I have a custom pawn class, what I’d like to do is create a custom character class that inherits from my custom pawn class.
I don’t want to change anything about the character class other than it inherits from my custom pawn class that has some additional goodies in it.
Can I do this without completely copying the character class and changing it’s base class?
In Character.h, you have the following in its class declaration:
UCLASS(config=Game, BlueprintType, meta=(ShortTooltip="A character is a type of Pawn that includes the ability to walk around."))
class ENGINE_API ACharacter : public APawn
The key here is where it says: class ENGINE_API ACharacter : public APawn
When you create a new character class, you can replace APawn with A[YourCustomPawnClass] and that should be it. I don’t think there is any other way around this. But moving forward, you can create characters inherited from your new character class and they will automatically be inherited from your custom pawn class.
I hope this helps, and good luck