Reallocating Storage. How?

I just started my pain staking journey into game developing in UE5. I had started the UE5 in 5 days and it just dawned on me that I have not been paying attention to where the projects or sample projects are storing on. I just found out they are going onto my OS drive, which is only 580 GB in size but I have other storage that’s 2 to 4 TB but nothing is going into those storage drives. I don’t recall UE5 even giving me an option where my projects or sample projects are going. Can someone either point me to instruction or explain on how to re-allocate my projects/future projects to so I am not using up the space in me OS drive? I had already did a search of the Forum to see if there was already a topic opened about this but only found one topic but it didn’t explain in depth or to the point.

Hi Meatball,

You can just manually move the project folder over to a new drive. - Then open the .uproject and the reference in the Epic Games Launcher will update.

For sample projects: There is an option in the Launcher to “Edit Vault Cache Location”.

Although what I usually do is delete the assets from my vault right after creating project/adding content. (No reason to keep duplicate files around)

Ok thank you. But btw, is there a way to reconfigure UE to put the new projects into my 2 or 4 TB SDD? So I wouldnt have to keep opening up my folders to relocate my data projects and material ?

You’re welcome,

Yes, whenever you create a project it asks you what directory you want to put the project it, so just browse to the folder at that stage. (And then that folder should be set for subsequent new projects)

Ahh ok. I will see if it gives me that option. I’ll report back in a bit