RealityScan on Android always crashes mid way through taking pictures (usually ~30 pictures).

Hey folks, understand its new and likely a teething problem.

My device is Samsung A50 running Android 11. RealityScan is 1.1.0/101.

I am able to start a new project and start capturing images. However always at the 30-40 image mark the application crashes just as I finish taking a picture, then it restarts to the Projects dashboard with the project I was capturing images for showing up as unprocessed.

This means without enough pictures for a good re-construction.

That’s the bug as it stands. My phone has plenty of free storage and a good internet connection.

The app has permissions to access the camera when the app is in use.


I assume due to how the ARCore scene works its unlikely we will ever get a way to resume a scan and proceed to add pictures?
Even without the crash I do fear midway through a scan having to switch applications and having to start over again.

I’ve been having the exact same problem, no one seems to have a fix.

Hi @Boarnoah , @Themaxfd

I am sorry that you are facing this issue.
Please try to download our latest 1.3 RealityScan app release and let me know if the issue persists.

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Sorry meant to reply here earlier, the issue appears to have been fixed with 1.3.