RealityCapture 1.4版本导出的模型都打不开!是什么情况?
Hi @liuyang99999,
where are you trying to open the models? Which format are you using? What are your export settings? Is your model georeferenced? If so, are the coordinate’s values over 1 million?
I exported FBX error: The file decryption key is invalid. How to solve this problem? When starting to use 1.4, FBX files can be exported or opened using 3DMAX, and UE can be opened.
The file decryption key is invalid. was answered in your other post.
So, were or weren’t you able to export? As you wrote: FBX files can be exported or opened
What are your export settings? Is it the same for other format? Are you able to open the model in some other application?